Monday, December 8, 2008

We love Interview!


We at Crystal Ball have always been huge fans of Andy Warhol (hey, who isn't?). We even did a collection inspired by his pop art a few seasons ago. We are also big fans of Interview, the magazine Warhol founded in 1969. A few years ago a boxed collection of the best of the magazine's first decade was released (almost a thousand pages and so big that it has its own wheeled crate), and this has taken up permanent residence in our office, providing a constant source of inspiration. The current Interview is a much more mainstream, commercial publication than the original, but it still provides interesting insights into the lives of celebrities, as well as some beautifully styled and executed photo spreads. relaunched at the beginning of December and now includes 40% original content not in the magazine, making it well worth a browse every now and then. Check out the gorgeous photos of Cate Blanchett (as well as behind the scenes footage of the shoot) and Gus Van Sant's interview with James Franco.

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